Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I believe in Auburn

Ok, so I just felt the need to comment on the recent negative publicity that Auburn and Cameron Newton have received. Due to the fact that Auburn is rarely and preferably not in the spot lights, we Auburn fans are not accustomed to the ridicule. I have not personally been introduced to Cam Newton, but it does not take much to develop an opinion of character from someone that receives such publicity. He seems to be a humble and good guy. He seems to be genuine and its easy to observe that he loves it here; as most people that reside in Auburn do.  It is unfortunate that all of these accusations appear when he is at the top of his career. Think of how many athletes have done far worse than even the accusations state, and since they didn't turn out to be the best athlete in the country, they were fortunate enough to avoid it. If any of these accusations, if proven to be true, even mattered they would have been brought forward prior to Auburn and Cam Newton's success.
When it comes to Auburn, there are certain things that people should understand; we are an honest people. Now, I have not been inside, to vouch for what goes on day to day in the athletic department. However, in order for a person to reside here, they must possess enough decent character for the rest of the population to trust and follow. Auburn is a society of honest, family driven people, that will do their best to keep the name and image of Auburn they grew to Love. Auburn fans, unite and keep your eyes on the prize. The year of the tiger... is every year. War Damn!

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more, friend! All of this will come out in the wash, and all those people will have to eat the nasty things they've said. That's going to be a good, good day. We come from a great place. I can tell you from personal experience that people are threatened by the bond that the Auburn Family has; people will always try and attack anything that makes them feel bad about themselves. They just need to understand that they aren't attacking one person. They've now got an entire society of people, strong people, dead set against them. Good luck guys. War Damn.
